Wow, what another amazing year on the books. Where do I even begin to talk about 2017 and all of the wonderful clients we had the honor of getting to document. This was a big year in that I launched my first associate to start shooting for Rebecca Anne Photography and combined we shot over 50 engagements and portrait sessions this year. We traveled all over Washington State and even one trip to Denver just for engagements this year. Our clients were more adventurous than ever. I do not think I have ever put as many miles on my car as I did this past year. This is just a tiny look at those couples and all of the beautiful locations we wandered to but I hope you enjoy a little look back at 2017. We cannot wait for what 2018 holds!
And a giant thank you to all of these amazing couples that trust us to document this special once in a lifetime moments for them. We truly are honored.