I do not even know where to start to talk about Ross and Courteney’s Franklin Falls Engagement. First of all, these two are amazing. I’ve known Courteney for quite some time and she is the girl that walks in the room and everyone wants to talk to her. She never stops smiling, laughing or encouraging those surrounding her! Even though I am their wedding photographer, I still get encouraging texts from her letting me know she is thinking of me and praying for me. Can I have 10 more just like her?! I have to admit that I slightly stalked her and Ross once they got engaged with my fingers crossed that I would hear from them. And I was blown away when I did! Once again, Courteney and her sweet self sent the most complimentary and sweet email I think I have ever received!
I suggested Franklin Falls as our location for their engagement shoot as I knew they were young and adventurous and it was on my bucket list! Turns out it was the perfect spot for them as they love to hike! Now, let me tell you how cut these two are together. I thought Courteney smiled a lot before this shoot…but once I saw her with Ross, it is an amazing sight! These two laugh, tease and just plain old have fun all the time! I loved watching how Ross watched Courteney. He also took such great care to make sure she was taken care of!
Oh and did I mention they were totally willing to get in the freezing cold water under the falls?!?! Oh man…go check this out!