How to Look Good in Ceremony Photos // Tips for Clients
For most couples, the ceremony is such a whirlwind of emotions that couples can hardly remember the process once it’s over. For this reason the ceremony photos can be some of the most important and intimate images from your wedding day. You’ll want to make them the best possible. And so here are a few tips for looking your best during your ceremony!
1. Practice
You won’t be able to watch yourself walk down the aisle but you can practice your facial expression in a mirror. Study your face and learn which angle you like best so you know how to hold your head just right for those stunning images.
2. Look Up
Nerves can get the best of any bride or groom and this often leads to looking downward at the ground. Remember to keep your head up during your ceremony as much as possible so the photographer can capture flattering images of your entire face. And look at one another often! Its easy to just look at the person marrying you, but you aren’t marrying them so look at your soon to be spouse!
3. Laugh
Or at least smile. Again, because nerves can take over many couples forget to even smile during their ceremony. Keep a funny thought or joke in your head that will remind you to laugh a little or at least smile.
4. Be Yourself
It can be hard not to be self-conscious on your wedding day because you want everything to look and run perfectly. Don’t let the worry translate through to your images. Instead just be your best self, forget about how you are supposed to act and be true to who you really are. This will lead to beautiful photos that show genuine emotions and are more reflective of who you and your significant other are.
5. Forget About the Camera
Stay in the moment and trust that your photographer is doing their job to capture all the right moments. Don’t worry about finding the camera or looking in the direction of it instead focus on the person you are about to say “I Do” to. Remember to simply savor the moment and your photographer will capture the memories.
6. Ask your officiant to move
Especially when you have a friend or family member as your officiant, they don’t know that if they stand there with a big grin on their face during your first kiss that their face will be smack dab in the background of your first kiss shot! So ask them to take a step to the side when announcing that “You may now kiss the bride”.
Remember, not all ceremony venues allow for photography and some will restrict the photographer to the back of the venue. So check in advance if there will be any limitations your photographer may face and make sure they are aware so they can be prepared.