I have been dying to try out Stitch Fix ever since I heard about it from a friend sharing her experience on Facebook one day.
What is Stitch Fix you ask?
Stitch Fix is a clothing company that assigns a personal stylist to you and delivers clothing right to your door!
How does it work?
You go fill out a style profile and tell them all about your preferences and even price points for different items. You can even include a Pinterest board for your stylist to check out! Then you schedule your fix and they mail you a box! There is a $20 styling fee but if you choose to buy any items from the box then the fee goes towards your purchase. If you purchase all 5 items then you also get a 25% discount! Anything you don’t want you can simply drop in the bag they give you and mail it back.
How did my first box go?
For my first box I decided that I was in desperate need of clothing to wear while photographing weddings and portraits since I only had one skirt and top that I really loved. I told my stylist this and created a Pinterest board just for her! And WOW…I am impressed. I feel like she knew me better than I know myself.
The box arrived exactly when I expected it to and I had actually forgotten when it was coming so it was a pleasant surprise. I couldn’t wait to try everything on.
Your box comes with easy instructions about what happens next as well as a note from your stylist about the items she picked for you. Also included are awesome layouts and suggestions for how to use your items. Also a price list so you can easily see how much each item costs.
Daniel Rainn – Lyn Eyelet Detail Top – $68
I am so in love with this top. It is just perfect!! It is lightweight and formal enough to wear to a wedding but also casual enough for a portrait session or consult if paired with pants. Definitely keeping!
Below is a sample of how I paired it with something else already in my wardrobe.
Collective Concepts – Esten Button Up Sleeveless Blouse – $54
Another hit!! She nailed it with this one as I have been obsessed with loose tops like this one. I especially adore this top because of the gathering around the neck and green is one of my favorite colors to wear. I am a tad apprehensive to keep it because of the price since I could probably find a shirt similar for a cheaper price and I also have a few like this. Unsure if I will keep it.
I tried pairing with with some of my favorite jeans to see what I thought.
Gilli – Jodie Textured Skirt – $58
I seriously almost bought a skirt like this the other week and I am glad I didn’t because I love this one more! I think it might be a tad big so I contacted the company and they are totally flexible on sending me a smaller size. Again, unsure if I will keep it though since I have a hard time pairing shirts with a high waist.
Margaret M – Ember Printed Cropped Straight Leg Pant – $98
When I first saw these pants I immediately wrote them off and tried on everything else first. But then I read the stylists notes again and she emphasized that they are very comfortable. So I tried them on and she was definitely right! I was going to nix them but then my mom came home and thought they were super cute and definitely not something I would normally wear and encouraged me to keep them. They are definitely easy to pair items from my own closet with! Definitely keeping them!
Bancroft – Kara Hammered Coin Long Necklace – $34
I am not a huge jewelry fan but I have to say I do love this necklace. However I don’t usually wear necklaces while shooting photos due to all the straps. That being said if I was going to wear one, this would be a comfortable and easy one to wear! I love it although since I don’t really do jewelry much the price seems high to me. But if I keep enough other items then this will stay too since it will make more sense with the budget. Unsure if I will keep it.
Now here are the outfits how the stylist recommended them:
Overall I am so impressed! I love everything with just a few minor details like getting a smaller sized skirt. If I keep all 5 items then I save 25% plus the $20 styling fee comes off as well. Which means if I keep 3 items then I might as well keep them all since it would be a similar price! I have three days to make up my mind so I am going to keep playing with the pieces and see what I think.
What do you think?! Which pieces are you favorite?