I am so excited to finally be able to get to blogging these Snoqualmie Pass Snow Portraits! This shoot was put together by Annetta Bosakova, an amazing artist and creative and the head of the Seattle Pursuit 31 group. Pursuit 31 is a nationwide community of creatives who live to bring God glory through their work, their homes and their lives. I joined the local Facebook group a few months back looking to connect with other Christian photographers and it was exactly what I needed! The group meets together once a month and does fun things together and simply has fellowship! A few months back Annetta arranged for us to all head up to the Snoqualmie Pass with a few models and just have some fun, and that we did! We probably looked ridiculous climbing up the side of a mountain in normal clothes and dragging our camera gear along, but it was totally worth it! Irina was one of our models and was so easy to photograph (see her blog about the adventure here). Not only did I get to capture some amazing images, but I got to make a few new friends along the way too!